Vitality Fuel

NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)

NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)


Nicotinamide riboside (NR), a unique and powerful form of vitamin B3, plays a crucial role in supporting vital cellular processes such as healthy aging, energy production, brain function, liver health, and metabolism. NR targets NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and sirtuin proteins, essential for converting food into cellular fuel and maintaining metabolic efficiency. As we age, these processes naturally slow down, but NR helps sustain them, boosting brain function and cognitive flexibility by increasing NAD+ and sirtuins in brain cells, thereby enhancing neuroplasticity and mitochondrial creation.


    NR also significantly impacts metabolic health by increasing cells’ metabolic activity and efficiency, facilitating better insulin and cholesterol utilization, and supporting a normal inflammatory response. In the liver, one of our body’s most metabolically active organs, NR boosts NAD+ production and mitochondrial function, aiding in detoxifying endotoxins and exotoxins and preventing fat deposition. Additionally, NR is vital in the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain, improving mitochondrial energetics in the heart and muscles, and aiding energy production, which is especially beneficial for athletes and those combating fatigue.

    While no nutritional supplement can claim to be an “anti-aging” magic bullet, NR does contribute to healthier aging by supporting cellular functions like NAD+ production, sirtuin protein activity, and mitochondrial health. These benefits collectively aid in aging gracefully, enhancing exercise efficiency, maintaining normal metabolism and detoxification, and preserving mental clarity, making NR a valuable supplement for optimal metabolic function and cellular energy production.

    Why NR vs NMN?  These are both powerful precursors in the production of NAD+ but rather than chase the hype, we work with NR for the following reasons:

    1. Cellular Absorption: NR is a smaller molecule compared to NMN. This smaller size makes it easier for NR to cross cellular membranes and enter cells. In fact, NMN must be converted to NR in order to enter cells.
    2. Metabolic Pathway: Once inside the cell, NR is converted into NAD+ through a more direct and efficient pathway. NMN, on the other hand, must first be converted into NR before it can be transformed into NAD+. This extra step may make the process of increasing NAD+ levels slightly less efficient when using NMN.
    3. Scientific Research: There is more extensive research available on the efficacy of NR in raising NAD+ levels in humans. This research suggests that NR is a highly effective precursor to NAD+, and thus the reason that we use NR in our formulations.


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